Dimeco Coil Lines

Dimeco decoilers and straightening machine equipment

55 years of continuous development of coil lines has made Dimeco one of the world’s largest suppliers of coil equipment to the press market. Dimeco has a wide range of coil equipment that matches the needs of the smallest to the largest companies. Dimeco has done a lot of research into developing the technologies required by the materials that are used today (high strength steel).

Dimeco’s main features:

  • Coil weighs from 200 kg to 35 tons.
  • Material width up to 2000 mm.
  • Material thickness from 0.1 mm up to 10 mm.
  • Material quality from soft aluminum up to 1500 MPa high-strength steel

Feel free to contact us and have a non-binding talk about your project!

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Dimeco bygning

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